Booking Conditions

Please note that it is essential to read and understand the conditions of booking below when you book.Terra Anatolia (hereinafter called “the Company” or “we”) accepts bookings subject to the followingconditions:


The contract is between the Company and the client, being any person traveling or intending to travel on a tour operated by the Company. The contract, including all matters arising from it, is subject to Turkish Law and the exclusive jurisdiction of the Turkish courts.

To book your trip:

To make a booking, the Company requires a completed booking form and a deposit of €300 per person per trip. Booking forms should be sent by mail, fax or e-mail detailed below; the Company will notify you of receipt. Payments should be transferred by SWIFT to the bank account detailed below. The Company will confirm the booking by issuing a Confirmation Invoice. The Company reserves the right to decline any booking at our discretion.

Final Payment:

The balance of all payments, including any surcharges, must be paid to the Company representative in cash when the tour starts.

Cancellation by the traveler:

If the client wishes to cancel the booking, the effective date of cancellation will be upon our receipt of your notification. If the client needs to cancel for any reason prior to tour departure, the money transfer expenses and following cancellation charges will be made:

Days before departure date
Amount of cancellation charge
More than 60 day0% of deposit
59-31 days50% of deposit
30-00 days100% of deposit

Cancellation by the Company:

The Company reserves the right to cancel any trip before its departure due to lack of minimum passenger number (The Company will inform the client 21 to 15 days prior to departure), terrorism, natural disasters, political instability or other external events which make it unviable for the Company to operate our planned schedule. In such a case, the Company will refund all money received, less money transfer expenses. The Company shall not be liable to the client for any incidental expenses incurred by client as a result of any arrangements that the client may have made.

Passports and Visas:

Clients are responsible for arranging, and must be in possession of, a valid passport and any visas required.

Travel Insurance:

Clients are responsible for effecting sufficient personal travel insurance. Details of your travel insurance should be notified to Terra Anatolia before departure. (We require: Company name, policy no., start and end dates and emergency phone no.) Clients together with their personal property including baggage are at all times solely at their own risk. Clients should have protection for the full duration of the tour in respect of at least medical expenses, injury, death, repatriation, cancellation and curtailment, with adequate benefits. Clients should ensure that there are no exclusion clauses limiting protection for the type of activities included in their tour.

Pre-existing medical conditions:

Clients with pre-existing medical conditions should obtain a doctor’s letter certifying that they may participate.

Liability Insurance:

The client acknowledges and accepts that there may be no policy covering the Company’s liability to its clients for death, injury, damage or loss. The client acknowledges that the Company has taken reasonable steps in safeguarding its liability.

Participating to trip:

Clients agree to accept the authority and decisions of the Company’s employees, tour leaders and guides whilst on tour with the Company. If the client’s health or conduct at any time appears likely to endanger the safety or comfortable or happy progress of the tour, the client may be excluded from all or part of the tour. In case of ill health, the Company may make such arrangements as it sees fit and recover the costs thereof from the client. If a client commits an illegal act, they may be excluded from the tour. No refund will be given for any unused services.

Flights and transfers:

The Company will meet the flights specified by the client on the booking form or later. If the flight is diverted, delayed or cancelled, the Company reserves the right to pass on additional related costs.

Our Responsibility:

Client’s bookings are accepted on the understanding that they appreciate the possible risks inherent in adventure travel and that they undertake the tours, treks, or expeditions featured in our programme at their own volition. The Company and its employees give the highest importance to the safety and the happiness of the clients.

Bank Account:



İban : TR05 0011 1000 0000 0150 4945 60

Hesap numarası : 150494560

Swift Kodu : FNNBTRIS

Hesap Tipi : EURO HESABI




İban : TR23 0011 1000 0000 0150 4985 04

Hesap numarası : 150498504

Swift Kodu : FNNBTRIS

Hesap Tipi : USD HESABI

Kılınçarslan Mh. 2. Sakarya Sk. Uysal Apt. 2/5 Kaleiçi / Muratpasa / ANTALYA TURKEY • P: +90 242 244 89 45 • Fax: +90 242 244 89 45 •
Terra Anatolia © All rights reserved Web Design: AdaNET
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